In preparation for a trip to the French Riviera I began a series of large works on paper inspired by the French Toiles du Jouy. I started by experimenting with a variety of printmaking techniques- blocks, plates, and/or stencils. This led to a body of work that was designed to link together to form repeatable patterns.  I made some new books and also some large pieces that I called Wall(paper). It was satisfying to me in old familiar ways (bringing me back to my early career as a textile designer), so I decided to stay with this way of working as I developed specific pieces for several upcoming exhibitions.

L’Orange de Seville, 2017, ink on paper

L’Euphorbia avec Cleopatra, 2017, ink on paper

La Figue Rampant, 2017, ink on paper

Les Glycines avec des Abeilles Charpentieres, 2017, ink on paper

La Pie Bavarde, 2017, ink on paper

La Pie bavardesmaller.jpg

La Pie Bavarde, 2017, Dry point